6 Component

6.1 Class of Pauli operators

The Pauli operators are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices which are Hermitian and unitary, also called unitary matrices. The matrices are usually indicated by the Greek letter σ (sigma), denoted as

\(\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\quad\)
\(\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{bmatrix}\quad\)
\(\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}\quad\)

The operational rules of Pauli operators are as below:

  1. The Pauli operators are multiplied by themselves to get an identity matrix.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &\sigma_{x} \sigma_{x}=I \\ &\sigma_{y} \sigma_{y}=I \\ &\sigma_{z} \sigma_{z}=I \end{aligned}\end{split}\]
  1. The Pauli operators remain unchanged when multiplied (either pre-multiplied or post-multiplied) by the identity matrix.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &\sigma_{x} \mathrm{I}=\mathrm{I} \sigma_{x}=\sigma_{x} \\ &\sigma_{y} \mathrm{I}=\mathrm{I} \sigma_{y}=\sigma_{y} \\ &\sigma_{z} \mathrm{I}=\mathrm{I} \sigma_{z}=\sigma_{z} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]
  2. Two Pauli operators are multiplied in sequence to be i times as large as the operators not involved in the computing.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &\sigma_{x} \sigma_{y}=\mathrm{i} \sigma_{z} \\ &\sigma_{y} \sigma_{z}=\mathrm{i} \sigma_{x} \\ &\sigma_{z} \sigma_{x}=\mathrm{i} \sigma_{y} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]
  3. Two Pauli operators are multiplied in inverted sequence to be −i times as large as the operators not involved in the computing.

    \[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \sigma_{y} \sigma_{x} &=-\mathrm{i} \sigma_{z} \\ \sigma_{z} \sigma_{y} &=-\mathrm{i} \sigma_{x} \\ \sigma_{x} \sigma_{z} &=-\mathrm{i} \sigma_{y} \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

6.1.1 Interface introduction

According to the above properties of the Pauli operators, we implement PauliOperator in pyQPanda. We can construct the class of Pauli operators easily, for example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__=="__main__":
    # Construct an empty PauliOperator class
    p1 = PauliOperator()

    # Two times the tensor product of Pauli Z0 Pauli Z1
    p2 = PauliOperator("Z0 Z1", 2)

#2 times the Pauli Z0 tensor product Pauli Z1 plus 3 times the Pauli X1
# tensor product Pauli Y2
    p3 = PauliOperator({"Z0 Z1": 2, "X1 Y2": 3})

# Construct an identity matrix with coefficients of 2, equivalent to p4
# = PauliOperator("", 2)
    p4 = PauliOperator(2)

Where PauliOperator p2(“Z0 Z1”, 2) represents

\[2 \sigma_{0}^{Z} \otimes \sigma_{1}^{Z}\]

Pauli operators can be added, subtracted, multiplied or subjected to other operations, and the computed return result still belongs to the class of Pauli operators.

a = PauliOperator("Z0 Z1", 2)
b = PauliOperator("X5 Y6", 3)

plus = a + b
minus = a - b
muliply = a * b

The class of Pauli operators supports printing, and we can print the class of Pauli operators on the screen to view their values.

a = PauliOperator("Z0 Z1", 2)

In actual applications, we often need to know how many qubits are operated by the class of Pauli operators, which can be obtained by calling the getMaxIndex interface of the class of Pauli operators. If an empty class of Pauli operators calls the getMaxIndex interface, the result returned will be 0. Otherwise, the result will be the maximum subscript index value plus 1.

a = PauliOperator("Z0 Z1", 2)
b = PauliOperator("X5 Y6", 3)
# The output value is 2
# The output value is 7

We construct a class of Pauli operators where the subscript index of the Pauli operator is not allocated from 0. For example, the number of qubits returned and used by the getMaxIndex interface called by PauliOperator b(“X5 Y6”, 3) is 7, but actually only 2 qubits are used. How can we return the number of qubits actually used? We can call the remapQubitIndex interface in the class of Pauli operators which is used to allocate and map the indexes in the Pauli operator from 0 qubit and returns the new class of Pauli operator. This interface requires input of a map to save the mapping relationship between the subscript before saving the that after saving.

b = PauliOperator("X5 Y6", 3)
index_map = []
c = b.remapQubitIndex(index_map)

# The output value is 7
# The output value is 2

6.1.2 Example

The following example mainly demonstrate how to use the PauliOperator interface.

from pyqpanda import *
if __name__=="__main__":
    a = PauliOperator("Z0 Z1", 2)
    b = PauliOperator("X5 Y6", 3)
    plus = a + b
    minus = a - b
    muliply = a * b
    print("a + b = ", plus)
    print("a - b = ", minus)
    print("a * b = ", muliply)
    print("Index : ", muliply.getMaxIndex())
    index_map = {}
    remap_pauli = muliply.remapQubitIndex(index_map)
    print("remap_pauli : ", remap_pauli)
    print("Index : ", remap_pauli.getMaxIndex())

The results are as below:

a + b =  {
X5 Y6 : 3.000000
Z0 Z1 : 2.000000
a - b =  {
X5 Y6 : -3.000000
Z0 Z1 : 2.000000
a * b =  {
Z0 Z1 X5 Y6 : 6.000000
Index :  7
remap_pauli :  {
Z0 Z1 X2 Y3 : 6.000000
Index :  4

6.2 Class of Fermionic operators

We use the following notations to indicate the two forms of fermions, annihilation: X denotes \(a_{x}\) , creation \(X_{+}\) denotes :\(a_{x}^{\dagger}\). For example, “1+ 3 5+ 1” denotes \(a_{1}^{\dagger} a_{3} a_{5}^{\dagger} a_{1}\).

The rules are organized as below:

  1. Different numbers

    \[\begin{split}\begin{array}{r} " 1 \quad 2 "=-1 * " 2 \quad 1 " \\ " 1+2+"=-1 * " 2+1+" \\ " 1+2 "=-1 * " 2 \quad 1+" \end{array}\end{split}\]
  2. Same number

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{r} " 1 \quad 1+"=1-" 1+1 " \\ " 1+1+"=0 \\ \quad " 1\quad1 "=0 \end{array}\end{split}\]

Similar with PauliOperator, the class of FermionOperator provides basic operations of Fermionic operators including addition, subtraction and multiplication. An ordered list of results can be obtained through organization.

6.2.1 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__=="__main__":

    a = FermionOperator("0 1+", 2)
    b = FermionOperator("2+ 3", 3)

    plus = a + b
    minus = a - b
    muliply = a * b

    print("a + b = ", plus)
    print("a - b = ", minus)
    print("a * b = ", muliply)

    print("normal_ordered(a + b) = ", plus.normal_ordered())
    print("normal_ordered(a - b) = ", minus.normal_ordered())
    print("normal_ordered(a * b) = ", muliply.normal_ordered())

The results are as below:

a + b =  {
0 1+ : 2.000000
2+ 3 : 3.000000
a - b =  {
0 1+ : 2.000000
2+ 3  : -3.000000
a * b =  {
0 1+ 2+ 3 : 6.000000
normal_ordered(a + b) =  {
1+ 0 : -2.000000
2+ 3 : 3.000000
normal_ordered(a - b) =  {
1+ 0 : -2.000000
2+ 3  : -3.000000
normal_ordered(a * b) =  {
2+ 1+ 3 0 : 6.000000