3 Quantum program information

3.1 NodeIter

NodeIter is QProg or QCircuit iterator externally provided by pyQPanda. We can control our quantum programs conveniently through NodeIter.

3.1.1 Interface introduction

At present, NodeIter has the main operations below:

obtaining the next node

iter = iter.get_next()

obtaining the previous node

iter = iter.get_pre()

obtaining the node type

type = iter.get_node_type()

configuring QProg through iterator

type = iter.get_node_type()
if pq.NodeType.PROG_NODE == type:
    prog = pq.QProg(iter)

configuring the quantum circuit QCircuit through iterator

type = iter.get_node_type()
if pq.NodeType.CIRCUIT_NODE == type:
    cir = pq.QCircuit(iter)

configuring QGate through iterator

type = iter.get_node_type()
if pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE == type:
    gate = pq.QGate(iter)

configuring QIfProg through iterator

type = iter.get_node_type()
if pq.NodeType.QIF_START_NODE == type:
    if_prog = pq.QIfProg(iter)

configuring QWhileProg through iterator

type = iter.get_node_type()
if pq.NodeType.WHILE_START_NODE == type:
    while_prog = pq.QWhileProg(iter)

configuring QMeasure through iterator

type = iter.get_node_type()
if pq.NodeType.MEASURE_GATE == type:
    measure_gate = pq.QMeasure(iter)

3.1.2 Example

The following example program has the function to browse one QProg through NodeIter and output the types of node logic gates:

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
import math

machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(pq.QMachineType.CPU)
q = machine.qAlloc_many(8)
c = machine.cAlloc_many(8)
prog = pq.QProg()

prog << pq.H(q[0]) << pq.S(q[2]) << pq.CNOT(q[0], q[1])\
 << pq.CZ(q[1], q[2]) << pq.CR(q[1], q[2], math.pi/2)
iter = prog.begin()
iter_end = prog.end()
while  iter != iter_end:
    if pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE == iter.get_node_type():
        gate = pq.QGate(iter)
    iter = iter.get_next()
    print('Traversal End.\n')


Reverse browsing:

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
import math

machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(pq.QMachineType.CPU)
q = machine.qAlloc_many(8)
c = machine.cAlloc_many(8)
prog = pq.QProg()

prog << pq.H(q[0]) << pq.S(q[2]) << pq.CNOT(q[0], q[1])\
 << pq.CZ(q[1], q[2]) << pq.CR(q[1], q[2], math.pi/2)
iter_head = prog.head()
iter = prog.last()
while  iter != iter_head:
    if pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE == iter.get_node_type():
        gate = pq.QGate(iter)
    iter = iter.get_pre()
    print('Traversal End.\n')

3.2 Logic gate statistics

3.2.1 Introduction

Logic gate statistics refers to a method for counting the number of the quantum logic gates (including measurement gates) in quantum programs, quantum circuits, quantum cycle control or quantum condition control.

3.2.2 Interface introduction

We create one quantum program firstly through pyqpanda:

prog = QProg()
prog << X(qubits[0]) << Y(qubits[1])\
     << H(qubits[0]) << RX(qubits[0], 3.14)\
     << Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])

invoke get_qgate_num to count the number of quantum logic gates;

number = get_qgate_num(prog)


The method of counting the number of quantum logic gates in QCircuit, QWhileProg and QIfProg is similar to the method of counting QProg.

3.2.3 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qvm = init_quantum_machine(QMachineType.CPU)
    qubits = qvm.qAlloc_many(2)
    cbits = qvm.cAlloc_many(2)

    prog = QProg()

    # Building quantum programs
    prog << X(qubits[0]) << Y(qubits[1])\
        << H(qubits[0]) << RX(qubits[0], 3.14)\
        << Measure(qubits[0], cbits[0])

    # Statistics the number of logical gates
    number = get_qgate_num(prog)
    print("QGate number: " + str(number))


Output results are as follows:

QGate number: 4


The interface name in the new version is changed, and the old interface count_gate is replaced by get_qgate_num. Please note that count_gate will be removed in the next version.

3.3 Counting quantum program clock cycle

3.3.1 Introduction

Estimate the running time of a quantum program under the known running time of the quantum logic gates. The time of the quantum logic gates is set to the item metadata configuration file QPandaConfig.xml; a default is given if such time is not set, where the time of single quantum gate is defaulted as 2, and that of the double quantum gates is defaulted as 5.

The configuration file can be set according to the following example:

"QGate": {

3.3.2 Interface introduction

We create one quantum program firstly through pyqpanda:

prog = QProg()
prog << H(qubits[0]) << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
     << iSWAP(qubits[1], qubits[2]) << RX(qubits[3], np.pi / 4)

invoke get_qprog_clock_cycle interface to get the clock cycle of the quantum program

clock_cycle = get_qprog_clock_cycle(qvm, prog)

3.3.3 Example

from pyqpanda import *
import numpy as np

if __name__ == "__main__":
    qvm = init_quantum_machine(QMachineType.CPU)
    qubits = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)
    cbits = qvm.cAlloc_many(4)

    # Building quantum programs
    prog = QProg()
    prog << H(qubits[0]) << CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1])\
         << iSWAP(qubits[1], qubits[2]) << RX(qubits[3], np.pi / 4)

    # Statistical quantum program clock cycle
    clock_cycle = get_qprog_clock_cycle(prog, qvm)


Output results are as follows:



The interface name in the new version is changed, and the old interface get_clock_cycle will be replaced by get_qprog_clock_cycle. Please note that get_clock_cycle will be removed in the next version.

3.4 Get the corresponding matrix of the quantum circuit

The get_matrix interface can get the corresponding matrix of the input circuit and has three output parameters, where one parameter is quantum circuit QCircuit (or Qprog), and other two parameters are optional parameters: the starting and ending positions of the iterator are used for designating one circuit interval to get corresponding matrix information; if the parameters are null, the matrix information of the entire quantum circuit is obtained.


It should be noted in use of get_matrix that the quantum circuit does not involve measurement.

3.4.1 Example

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
import math

class InitQMachine:
def __init__(self, quBitCnt, cBitCnt,\
 machineType = pq.QMachineType.CPU):
        self.m_machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(machineType)
        self.m_qlist = self.m_machine.qAlloc_many(quBitCnt)
        self.m_clist = self.m_machine.cAlloc_many(cBitCnt)
        self.m_prog = pq.QProg()

    def __del__(self):

def test_get_matrix(q, c):
    prog = pq.QProg()

    # Building quantum programs
    prog << pq.H(q[0]) \
        << pq.S(q[2]) \
        << pq.CNOT(q[0], q[1]) \
        << pq.CZ(q[1], q[2]) \
        << pq.CR(q[1], q[2], math.pi/2)

    # Obtain the line corresponding matrix
    result_mat = pq.get_matrix(prog)

    # Print matrix information

if __name__=="__main__":
    init_machine = InitQMachine(16, 16)
    qlist = init_machine.m_qlist
    clist = init_machine.m_clist
    machine = init_machine.m_machine

    test_get_matrix(qlist, clist)
    print("Test over.")

The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Initialize a quantum simulator object with init_quantum_machine (pq.QMachineType.CPU) in order to manage a series of subsequent behaviors

  2. Initialize the number of qubits and classical registers with machine.qAlloc_many() and machine.cAlloc_many(), where respective 8 qubits and classical register are applied.

  3. Create prog

  4. Determine the circuit interval of computing matrix information, namely setting of iter_start and iter_end

  5. Invoke get_matrix interface to output the corresponding matrix of the quantum circuit, and print obtained matrix information through print_mat interface.

3.5 Judge whether quantum logic gate matches with the quantum topology

Each quantum chip has its own particular qubit topology, for example, ibmq_16_melbourne provided by IBMQ:

It can be seen from the Figure that the qubits in the quantum chip are not connected in pairs, and those not interconnected cannot directly execute multi-gate operations. Therefore, it is necessary to judge whether the double-gate (multi-gate) operation in the quantum program is in conformity with the qubit topology prior to the execution of the quantum program.

3.5.1 Interface introduction

The is_match_topology is to judge whether the quantum logic gate is in conformity with the qubit topology. The first input parameter is the target quantum logic gate QGate, the second input parameter is the qubit topology, and the returned value is Boolean value. This indicates whether the target quantum logic gate is in conformity with the qubit topology. True means that the target quantum logic gate is in conformity with the qubit topology. False means that the target quantum logic gate is not in conformity with the qubit topology.

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
import math

class InitQMachine:
def __init__(self, quBitCnt, cBitCnt,\
machineType = pq.QMachineType.CPU):
        self.m_machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(machineType)
        self.m_qlist = self.m_machine.qAlloc_many(quBitCnt)
        self.m_clist = self.m_machine.cAlloc_many(cBitCnt)
        self.m_prog = pq.QProg()

    def __del__(self):

def test_is_match_topology(q, c):
    cx = pq.CNOT(q[1], q[3])

    # Building a Topology
    qubits_topology = \

    # Determine whether the logic gate conforms to the quantum topology
    if (pq.is_match_topology(cx,qubits_topology)) == True:
        print('Match !\n')
        print('Not match.')

if __name__=="__main__":
    init_machine = InitQMachine(16, 16)
    qlist = init_machine.m_qlist
    clist = init_machine.m_clist
    machine = init_machine.m_machine
    test_is_match_topology(qlist, clist)
    print("Test over.")

Prior to the use of is_match_topology, the adjacency matrix qubits_topology of the qubit topology of the designated quantum chip should be created.

It can be seen from the above example, qubits_topology includes 5 qubits. The qubit topological diagram is shown below:

CNOT logic gate operates qubits 1# and 3#. However, it can be seen from the topological diagram that qubits 1# and 3# are interconnected, and therefore the result should be true.

3.6 Get adjacent quantum logic gates at the designated position.

The get_adjacent_qgate_type interface can get designated adjacent quantum logic gates in the quantum program. The first input parameter is the target quantum program QProg, the second input parameter is the iterator of the target quantum logic gate in the quantum program, and the returned result is a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates.

3.6.1 Example

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
import math

class InitQMachine:
    def __init__(self, quBitCnt, cBitCnt, machineType = pq.QMachineType.CPU):
        self.m_machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(machineType)
        self.m_qlist = self.m_machine.qAlloc_many(quBitCnt)
        self.m_clist = self.m_machine.cAlloc_many(cBitCnt)
        self.m_prog = pq.QProg()

    def __del__(self):

def test_get_adjacent_qgate_type(qlist, clist):
    prog = pq.QProg()

    # Building quantum programs
    prog << pq.T(qlist[0]) \
        << pq.CNOT(qlist[1], qlist[2]) \
        << pq.Reset(qlist[1]) \
        << pq.H(qlist[3]) \
        << pq.H(qlist[4])

    iter = prog.begin()
    iter = iter.get_next()
    type =iter.get_node_type()
    if pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE == type:
        gate = pq.QGate(iter)

    # Gets the types of logical gates before and after the specified location
    list = pq.get_adjacent_qgate_type(prog,iter)

    node_type = list[0].m_node_type
    if node_type == pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE:
        gateFront = pq.QGate(list[0].m_iter)

    node_type = list[1].m_node_type
    if node_type == pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE:
        gateBack = pq.QGate(list[1].m_iter)

if __name__=="__main__":
    init_machine = InitQMachine(16, 16)
    qlist = init_machine.m_qlist
    clist = init_machine.m_clist
    machine = init_machine.m_machine
    test_get_adjacent_qgate_type(qlist, clist)
    print("Test over.")

The above example shows how to use get_adjacent_qgate_type interface:

  1. Create one quantum program prog;

  2. Designate position information, namely setting of iter

  3. Invoke get_adjacent_qgate_type interface to get a set of iterators of adjacent iter logic gates. The types of obtained logic gates are respectively printed in the last four rows of the example code

When using get_adjacent_qgate_type interface, we need to note the following points:

  1. A set of the iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates always includes two elements; The first element is an iterator of the previous quantum logic gate, and the second element is an iterator of the next logic gate.

  2. If the target quantum logic gate is the first node of the quantum program, only the iterator of the following target quantum logic gate can be obtained in a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates (as the output parameter), and the first element in the set is the null iterator.

  3. If the target quantum logic gate is the last quantum logic gate in the quantum program, only the iterator of the previous target quantum logic gate can be obtained in a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates (as the output parameter), and the second element in the set is the null iterator.

  4. If the previous node of the target quantum logic gate is QIf or QWhile, only the iterator of the following target quantum logic gate can be obtained in a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates (as the output parameter), and the first element in the set is the null iterator.

  5. If the following node of the target quantum logic gate is QIf or QWhile, only the iterator of the previous target quantum logic gate can be obtained in a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates (as the output parameter), and the second element in the set is the null iterator.

  6. If the target quantum logic gate is the first quantum logic gate of QWhile, only the iterator of the following target quantum logic gate can be obtained in a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates (as the output parameter), and the first element in the set is the null iterator.

  7. If the target quantum logic gate is the last quantum logic gate of QWhile, only the iterator of the previous target quantum logic gate can be obtained in a set of iterators of adjacent target quantum logic gates (as the output parameter), and the second element in the set is the null iterator.

3.7 Judge whether two quantum logic gates are interchanged for their positions

The is_swappable interface can judge whether two designated quantum logic gates in the quantum program are interchanged for their positions. The first input parameter is the quantum program QProg; the second and third input parameters are the iterators of two quantum logic gates to be judged. The returned value is Boolean value; True represents the interchangeable position; and False represents the non-interchangeable position.

3.7.1 Example

The following example demonstrates how to use is_swappable interface.

  1. Create a quantum program prog. Here, a slightly complex quantum program with nested nodes is enumerated;

  2. Get iterators at two designated positions of the nested node cir: iter_first and iter_second;

  3. Invoke is_swappable interface to judge whether two designated logic gates are interchanged for their positions, and output changeable judgement results on the console.

import math

class InitQMachine:
def __init__(self, quBitCnt, cBitCnt,\
 machineType = pq.QMachineType.CPU):
        self.m_machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(machineType)
        self.m_qlist = self.m_machine.qAlloc_many(quBitCnt)
        self.m_clist = self.m_machine.cAlloc_many(cBitCnt)
        self.m_prog = pq.QProg()

    def __del__(self):

# Test interface: judge whether two designated logic gates are interchanged
# for their positions
def test_is_swappable(q, c):
    prog = pq.QProg()
    cir = pq.QCircuit()
    cir2 = pq.QCircuit()
cir2 << pq.H(q[3]) << pq.RX(q[1], math.pi/2) << pq.T(q[2])\
<< pq.RY(q[3], math.pi/2) << pq.RZ(q[2], math.pi/2)
    cir << pq.H(q[1]) << cir2 << pq.CR(q[1], q[2], math.pi/2)
    prog << pq.H(q[0]) << pq.S(q[2]) \
    << cir\
    << pq.CNOT(q[0], q[1]) << pq.CZ(q[1], q[2]) << pq.measure_all(q,c)

    iter_first = cir.begin()

    iter_second = cir2.begin()
    #iter_second = iter_second.get_next()
    #iter_second = iter_second.get_next()
    #iter_second = iter_second.get_next()

    type =iter_first.get_node_type()
    if pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE == type:
        gate = pq.QGate(iter_first)

    type =iter_second.get_node_type()
    if pq.NodeType.GATE_NODE == type:
        gate = pq.QGate(iter_second)

    if (pq.is_swappable(prog, iter_first, iter_second)) == True:
        print('Could be swapped !\n')
        print('Could NOT be swapped.')

if __name__=="__main__":
    init_machine = InitQMachine(16, 16)
    qlist = init_machine.m_qlist
    clist = init_machine.m_clist
    machine = init_machine.m_machine

    test_is_swappable(qlist, clist)
    print("Test over.")

3.8 Judge whether the logic gates are of a set of quantum logic gates supported by the quantum chip

A set of quantum logic gates supported by the quantum chip can be configured in the metadata configuration file QPandaConfig.xml. If we do not set the configuration files, QPanda sets a default set of quantum logic gates.

The default collection is as follows:



The configuration file can be set according to the following example:

"QGate": {

It can be seen from the above examples that the quantum chip supports RX, RY, RZ, S, H, X1, CNOT, CZ and ISWAP gates. We may call the interface is_supported_qgate_type upon the configuration of the configuration file, to determine whether the logic gate falls into the quantum logic gate set that the quantum chip supports. The interface is_supported_qgate_type only has one parameter: target quantum logic gate.

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
import math

class InitQMachine:
def __init__(self, quBitCnt, cBitCnt,\
 machineType = pq.QMachineType.CPU):
        self.m_machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(machineType)
        self.m_qlist = self.m_machine.qAlloc_many(quBitCnt)
        self.m_clist = self.m_machine.cAlloc_many(cBitCnt)
        self.m_prog = pq.QProg()

    def __del__(self):

def test_support_qgate_type():
    machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(pq.QMachineType.CPU)
    q = machine.qAlloc_many(8)
    c = machine.cAlloc_many(8)

    prog = pq.QProg()
    prog << pq.H(q[1])
    result = pq.is_supported_qgate_type(prog.begin())
    if result == True:
        print('Support !\n')
        print('Unsupport !')

if __name__=="__main__":
    init_machine = InitQMachine(16, 16)
    qlist = init_machine.m_qlist
    clist = init_machine.m_clist
    machine = init_machine.m_machine

    print("Test over.")


The user may access the default configuration file QPandaConfig.json through the following link, and place it under the same directory as the executive program, which will automatically parse the file.

3.9 Character drawing of quantum circuit

At present, PyQPanda provides three visualization methods of quantum circuit. Please refer to the following examples for specific usage methods.

3.9.1 Example

import pyqpanda.pyQPanda as pq
from pyqpanda.Visualization.circuit_draw import *
import math
class InitQMachine:
    def __init__(self, quBitCnt, cBitCnt, machineType = pq.QMachineType.CPU):
        self.m_machine = pq.init_quantum_machine(machineType)
        self.m_qlist = self.m_machine.qAlloc_many(quBitCnt)
        self.m_clist = self.m_machine.cAlloc_many(cBitCnt)

    def __del__(self):

def test_print_qcircuit(q, c):
    # Building quantum programs
    prog = pq.QCircuit()
    prog << pq.CU(1, 2, 3, 4, q[0], q[5]) << pq.H(q[0]) << pq.S(q[2])\
         << pq.CNOT(q[0], q[1]) << pq.CZ(q[1], q[2])\
 << pq.CR(q[2], q[1], math.pi/2)


# Through print directly outputs the character drawing of quantum
# circuit. This method will output the quantum circuit in the console,
# and the output format is uft8 encoding. Therefore, in the console
# with non-uft8 encoding, the character drawing of output will be
# garbled.

# At the same time, this method will save the current quantum circuit
#character drawing information to the file named  QCircuitTextPic.txt
# the file is encoded with uft8 and saved under the face path.
# Therefore, users can also view quantum circuit information through
# this file. Note that the file must be opened in uft8 format,
# otherwise garbled characters will appear.
# Output quantum circuit character drawing through draw_qprog
# interface. The function of this method is the same as print method,
# but the difference is that this interface can specify the console
# encoding type to ensure that the quantum circuit character drawing
# output on the console can be displayed normally.
# The "console_encode_type" parameter is used to specify the console
# type. Currently, two encoding modes are supported: utf8 and gbk. The
# default is utf8
    draw_qprog(prog, 'text', console_encode_type='gbk')
# The draw_qprog interface can also save the quantum circuit as a
# picture, called as follows. The “filename” parameter is used to
# specify a filename to save.
    draw_qprog(prog, 'pic', filename='D:/test_cir_draw.png')

if __name__=="__main__":
    init_machine = InitQMachine(16, 16)
    qlist = init_machine.m_qlist
    clist = init_machine.m_clist
    machine = init_machine.m_machine

    test_print_qcircuit(qlist, clist)

The above example demonstrates the draw_qprog interface, respectively. The output from the above code is as follows:

The output quantum circuit picture effect is as follows:

The parameters of draw_qprog() are described as follows:

 """Draw a quantum circuit to different formats (set by output parameter):

**text**: ASCII art TextDrawing that can be printed in the console.

**pic**: images with color rendered purely in Python.

    prog : the quantum circuit to draw
    scale (float): scale of image to draw (shrink if < 1). Only used by the ``pic`` outputs.
    filename (str): file path to save image to
    NodeIter_first: circuit printing start position.
    NodeIter_second: circuit printing end position.
    console_encode_type(str): Target console encoding type.
        Mismatching of encoding types may result in character confusion, 'utf8' and 'gbk' are supported.
        Only used by the ``pic`` outputs.
    line_length (int): Sets the length of the lines generated by `text` output type.

Returns: no return

def draw_qprog(prog, output=None, scale=0.7, filename=None, line_length=None, NodeIter_first=None, \
NodeIter_second=None, console_encode_type = 'utf8'):

As a demonstration, we change the test_print_qcircuit() interface implementation from the example code above to the following:

prog = pq.QCircuit()
prog << pq.CU(1, 2, 3, 4, q[0], q[5]) << pq.H(q[0]) << pq.S(q[2]) << pq.CNOT(q[0], q[1]) << pq.CZ(q[1], q[2]) << pq.CR(q[2], q[1], math.pi/2)
iter_start = prog.begin()
iter_end = iter_start.get_next()
iter_end = iter_end.get_next()
iter_end = iter_end.get_next()
draw_qprog(prog, 'text', NodeIter_first=iter_start, NodeIter_second=iter_end, console_encode_type='gbk')
draw_qprog(prog, 'pic', NodeIter_first=iter_start, NodeIter_second=iter_end, filename='D:/test_cir_draw.jpg')

The above example code will output only the first 4 logical gate nodes of prog, users can replace the above code to the previous example program, run to view the results, not repeated here.

3.10 Quantum volume

3.10.1 Introduction

Quantum volume is a protocol used to evaluate the performance of the quantum computing system. It represents the random circuit with the maximum equal width depth that can be performed on the system. The higher the operating fidelity of the quantum computing system is, the higher the correlation is; the larger the gate operation set calibrated is, the higher the quantum volume is. Quantum volume relates to the overall performance of the system, including the overall error rate of the system, potential physical qubit correlation, and gate operation parallelism. Generally speaking, quantum volume is practical method for making an overall evaluation of the quantum computing system in the near future; the higher the value is, the lower the overall error rate of the system is, the better the performance is.

To measure the quantum volume in a standard way is to perform random circuit operations for the system with specified quantum circuit model, entangle qubits as far as possible, and compare the experimental results with the simulated results. The statistical results are analyzed as required.

Quantum volume is defined in the exponential form:


Where n is the maximum logical depth of system operation under the given number of qubits m (m is greater than n) and the completion of computing tasks; if the maximum executive logical depth of the chip n is greater than the number of qubits m, the quantum volume of the system is


3.10.2 Interface description

The input parameters of calculate_quantum_volume are the noise simulator or quantum cloud machine, qubit to be measured, number of random iterations, and number of measurements. The output is size_t, which is the quantum volume size.

3.10.3 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__=="__main__":
    # Create a noise simulator and set noise parameters
    qvm = NoiseQVM()
    qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DEPOLARIZING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CZ_GATE, 0.005)

# You can also apply for cloud computing machines (using real chips), using real chips
# to consider the chip structure
    #qvm = QCloud()

# Construct the qubit combination to be measured, where the qubit combination is two
# groups; the qubit 3 and 4 are a group, qubits 2, 3, and 5 are a group.
qubit_lists = [[3,4], [2,3,5]]

    # Set the number of random iterations
    ntrials = 100

    # Set the measurement times, namely real chip or noise simulator shots value
    shots = 2000
    qv_result = calculate_quantum_volume(qvm, qubit_lists, ntrials, shots)
    print("Quantum Volume : ", qv_result)

Running results:

Quantum Volume : 8

3.11 Random benchmark

3.11.1 Introduction

Random benchmark (RB) is a benchmark test for quantum gates with a randomization method. Since the complete process tomography doesn’t work for the large system, more attention is paid to the extensible method, to characterize noise that affects the quantum system. An extensible and robust algorithm (a system comprising n qubits) is put forward in [1], i.e. benchmark test is performed for the whole Clifford gate by a single parameter with the randomizing technique.

3.11.2 Interface description

The input parameters of single_qubit_rb are the noise simulator or quantum cloud machine, qubit to be measured, a different number of combinations of random circuit clifford gate sets, number of random circuits, number of measurements, verification of basic logic gate (default: none), output being std::map data, key value being the number of clifford gate sets, and value corresponding to the expected probability.

The input parameters of double_qubit_rb are the noise simulator or quantum cloud machine, qubit 0 to be measured, qubit 1 to be measured, a different number of combinations of random circuit clifford gate sets, number of random circuits, number of measurements, verification of basic logic gate (default: none), output being std::map data, key value being the number of clifford gate sets, and value corresponding to the expected probability.

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__=="__main__":
    # Build a noise simulator and adjust the noise to simulate the real chip
    qvm = NoiseQVM()
    qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DEPOLARIZING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CZ_GATE, 0.005)
qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DEPOLARIZING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.PAULI_Y_GATE,\ 0.005)
    qv = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)

    # You can also apply for cloud computing machines (with real chips)
    # qvm =  QCloud()
    # qvm.init_qvm("898D47CF515A48CEAA9F2326394B85C6")

    # Set the number of Clifford gates in a random line
    range = [ 5,10,15 ]

    # Measuring a single qubit random reference
    res = single_qubit_rb(qvm, qv[0], range, 10, 1000)

    # It is also possible to measure two-qubit random datum
    #res = double_qubit_rb(qvm, qv[0], qv[1], range, 10, 1000)

# With the influence of noise, the larger the noise value is, the smaller the result
# is. And with the increase of Clifford gate set, the smaller the result is.


3.11.3 Example

Running results:

{5: 0.9996, 10: 0.9999, 15: 0.9993000000000001}

3.12 Cross-entropy benchmark

3.12.1 Introduction

Cross-entropy benchmark (xeb) is a method used to evaluate the gate performance by applying the random circuits and measuring the cross-entropy between the observed values of bit strings and the expected probability of such bit strings obtained from the simulation.

3.12.2 Interface description

The input parameters of double_gate_xeb are the noise simulator or quantum cloud machine, qubit 0 to be measured, qubit 1 to be measured, different layers of circuits, number of random circuits, number of measurements, verification of double-gate type (default: CZ gate), output being std::map data, key value being the number of circuit layers, and value corresponding to the expected probability.

3.12.3 Example

from pyqpanda import *

if __name__=="__main__":

    # Build a noise simulator and adjust the noise to simulate the real chip
    qvm = NoiseQVM()
    qv = qvm.qAlloc_many(4)

    # Setting noise Parameters
    qvm.set_noise_model(NoiseModel.DEPOLARIZING_KRAUS_OPERATOR, GateType.CZ_GATE, 0.1)

    # You can also apply for cloud computing machines (with real chips)
    # qvm =  QCloud()
    # qvm.init_qvm("898D47CF515A48CEAA9F2326394B85C6")

    # Set different layer combinations
    range = [2,4,6,8,10]
    # Currently, the main testable dual-gate types are CZ CNOT SWAP ISWAP SQISWAP
    res = double_gate_xeb(qvm, qv[0], qv[1], range, 10, 1000, GateType.CZ_GATE)
# With the influence of noise, the larger the noise value is, the smaller the result
# will be; and the number of layer increases, the smaller the result will be.



Running results:

{2: 0.9922736287117004, 4: 0.9303175806999207, 6: 0.7203856110572815, 8: 0.7342230677604675, 10: 0.7967881560325623}