1 Basic Introduction

For the sake of compatibility efficiency and convenience, QPanda2 is provided with two versions: C++ and Python. This document mainly introduces how to use the Python version. To learn about the use of C++ version, please go to QPanda2.

We use the pybind11 tools to encapsulate the functions and classes in QPanda2 in a direct and concise way, and provide the almost perfect mapping function. The code of the encapsulated part will generate a dynamic library during Qpanda2 compilation, so the encapsulated part can be imported as a Python package.

1.1 System configuration

Pyqpanda takes C++ as the host language, with requirements for the system environment as follows:







1.2 Download pyqpanda

If you have installed the python environment and pip tool, please enter the following commands at the terminal or console:

pip install pyqpanda


In case of permission problems under linux, add sudo .